Who should I flirt with? They show interest n' they're hella rad. I'm a girl, pierced, loves anime and alternative

Boy, likes techno and some bands, used to be pierced, kinda awkward, laid back
16 votes

Boy, loves video games and cute things, nerdy and okay looking, older than me
28 votes

Girl, chill, skater, stoner, likes alternative bands, outgoing, cutie
9 votes

Girl, scene, nyaher, 2 grades below me, really adoreable, kinda likes anime
9 votes


SerpentineOh so you're bisexual?

a personSo are the middle ones your age? (I vote number 2 btw, but that's just me 😏)

WeeabooTrash@a person. Yeah same age (give or take a year)

WeeabooTrash@💎Amethyst💎 {FAM/👑NOB} panromantic demisexual ( ^ω^ )