Do you think we make a cute couple?

A bit
94 votes

Other (Comment)
12 votes

Not cute at all
110 votes

Yes very cute
56 votes


kris oswaldthe 70% of this poll wishes they were as cute as us 😁😁😁😁

Arsenalyou look like brother and sister

Char DaglishWell me and Kris aren't brother and sister we are boyfriend and girlfriend.

kris oswaldyou arsenal are the first person to say that do you know what the word couple means? It dosent mean brother and sister and we if we were brother and sister we wouldn't be saying couple. Doy Doy Doy some people ugh

ArsenalMate, im saying they look like, I'm not calling them brother and sister.

kris oswaldOk so you just made a mistake then? That's fine I guess it's ale adult done.

kris oswaldeasily done*


kris oswaldIt's just the reason of why even say such a thing is strange is all O_o