Isn't he just adorable?? He's an orphan but I would adopt him!!

OMG soooo cute 😍😍
72 votes

I'd adopt him too!!! 😍😘
27 votes

Don't be mean! He's an orphan! 😠
8 votes

13 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)He's adooooooorable!!!!!😍

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾Thank yoooooh!!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯😍😍 he's probably already adopted though😔

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB nope he is not.. I volunteer at this orphanage and none of them are adopted unfortunately 😔😔

Zoeadopted him so he can be with the right family

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾 oh that's so cool! (That you volunteer at the orphanage) I hope everyone there gets a nice family😌 they deserve it

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾@pretty💯💯💯 I wish I could... But Korea came up with a STOOOOPID rule where by (listen to this:) if you don't know the name of a parent of the orphan, it is impossible to adopt that child... On the stupidity level, this ranks 20 out of 10 😠😩😒