Can you give me some stuff to do when you're bored... I am ten so driving a car is out!

44 votes

9 votes

37 votes

Sorry trying to figure that out myself
62 votes


anissahI don't have any thing but why don't you look it up

faithypoo❤Watch YouTube... Look up outfits online for inspo... Go shopping in ur closet (my fav!!!)

ngo shopping

M_Elyse🎀∂σ ¢яαfтѕ

i💖hamstersDo whatever you want to do

eggsPlay with your pet, do mad libs (download the app), look at cool furniture online and designed our dream home, and paint/draw something with your eyes closed

eggs*design your


Paowatxh netflix

Sophia{FPS}👮{ACB}👊Pretend to be a spy for a day😂

NotoriousFill a bowl with garlic powder and cayenne pepper. Mix it with water. Take spoon, eat mix. Next melt crayons on the stove in a pot. Take melted crayons, spread it on cardboard. Take cardboard and cheese, make struggle sandwich.

NotoriousTake basketball. Poke three large holes in basketball. Fill with fire ants. Give to Lebron James as birthday present.

NotoriousWatch Netflix.

😝😘Samantha906😘😝Bake turn your room into a dance club chat with me on this

AnnaDuffyhang with friends. Go to Starbucks or the mall or the pool. Whatever u do, do it with friends

🌺Nicole🌺do your nails

SquishySmiles😃Make a dramatic movie. Try to beat a high score. HeyCrowd! Read a book. Play out side


Addisonsing write a song text someone go and explore the great outdoors


diva19088thx guys!

😜😘🤓MissNerd🤓😘😜Watch a Disney movie!

🐴🐯RiaRoar🐯🐴go on a trail ride if you have a horse