Good book to read for a 17 year old

14 votes

27 votes

77 votes

17 votes


Shelbyi loved all the Harry Potter books.

RashmiHouse of Night, Vampire Academy, all dan brown books

Jo thank you!

Sapphire13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

CThe Fault in Our Stars

MarisaThe Perks of Being a Wallflower

Jo i love the fault in our stars it's one of my favorite books

Jo Thank you everyone!

Kelly Lloyd Harry potter

MaianaThe clockwork orange

bleachcatDarren Shan's books

JAM@Sapphire u Rick that's like the best book

This girl.Delirium- Lauren Oliver. Before I die- Jenny downham. Before I fall- Lauren Oliver. Handle with care- Jodi picoult. Last 3 are all sad.

Jo Thanks @thisgirl I don't mind sad books

Veronica Thorndepends what genres you like. I would suggest my personal favorites that might be geared towards your age level: the lord of the rings trilogy, the gone series, the talisman, the dark tower series, the shinning, and the hannibal series.

MustacheLoverWell if you like it Series Of Unfortunate Events. My daughter LOVES them. Plus twilight is pretty good and fifty shades of grey

Mayhunger games

McKenna call me Tuesday

familiar1Books are portals to other worlds it just depends on where you want to go


MustacheLoverRomance/hunger games

AlyBetween the lives by Jessica shirvingron

Awesomeness is mehunger games or twilight

emraldYEDa Vinci Code.