Which backpack is cuter?☺️

141 votes

55 votes


SquishySmiles😃where did you find those! I absolutely love them both!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I like the second one first one is ugly

Stylish Gal I want this backpack

Skyler@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB really the first one is my fav! But they are both so cute!

😂Tabitha{AAB}😊@SquishySmiles😃 I messaged you and told you☺️👍

😂Tabitha{AAB}😊Thanks for all of your opinions everyone!☺️😄


😂Tabitha{AAB}😊@🍩Chocolate🍪Death🍫 thanks for your opinion but I know everyone has different styles

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Skyler I've seen backpacks like the first one a lot, idk maybe I've got tiered of them😁😔😁

Skyler@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB it looks different to me.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Skyler we all got different styles and opinions.😄 guess I just don't like it😁

Skyler@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB ok then. I love it!

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