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14 votes

11 votes


a person🔫shoot ✌🏻️😐😛😄

JamesBondAre you a person

.why do i dream every night

PenPineappleApplePenWhats the meaning of Life?

SerpentineWhy do you like weed so much? 😜

SerpentineWhy can't I stop changing my identity? (Btw if ya didn't know, it's Jake/Amethyst/Mary Jane/Garnet/meee!)

a person@JamesBond I am indeed

a person@VickyOcean nobody is 100% sure why we dream

a person@Ruby I like it because it helps with my depression and anxiety. Also it's amazing. As for your identity maybe you like to confuse people. (And yes, I know who you are)

a person@👑PrincessKittyCat👑 There is no meaning of life. It's up to each individual person to make a meaning to their own lives, be it good or bad.

M_Elyse🎀Have you ever had a bf. If so did break up with u or the other way around

a personYes I've been in 3 different relationships- two were somewhat mutual (we're still friends though cause it wasn't over anything bad) and one I broke up with.

a person@LoveThatLetsGo💝{HCAM} sorry forgot to tag you

Ethananything at all?

a person@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 yes. Absolutely anything. Was that your question? 😏

Ethan@a person yes

Serpentine@a person Oh! And good! You can keep up with me! Do you realize who PrincessKittyCat is?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Are you in college?

SerpentineDo you think it's healthy to eat oatmeal?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Are you currently employed?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Is Santa watching?😨😱

SerpentineDoes the Tooth Fairy make our Baby Teeth into dentures??? 😱

SerpentineIs Santa a pedo?

SerpentineWill I ever find my lovey, Sapphire??

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ruby No, The Tooth Fairy uses our teeth for jewelry.

a person@Ruby no, I'm not sure who she is. Yes but oatmeal is gross. I'm with BMO on the tooth fairy. I hope not. I really hope you do 😊😊

a person@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) Yes, I go to Columbus State to get my associate of the arts then I'm transferring to a 4 year school to get my bachelor's in interior design. Not at the moment. Probably, idk.

Serpentine@a person PrincessKittyCat is MonkeyPoo, LumpySpacePrinces, MakarFado, so on. 😋

Serpentine@a person Man, I love oatmeal!

PenPineappleApplePen@a person 👑PrincessKittyCat👑 Ok..👍🏼

PenPineappleApplePen@a person 👑PrincessKittyCat👑 Yah I'm all demz😋

a person@👑PrincessKittyCat👑 @Ruby OH okay cool

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@a person Oh cool. So what's your favorite color (sorry for such a generic question, I just wanna know)?

Serpentine@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) I think she said Green?

SerpentineOh, my Laughy Sapphy!! 😭 I'd do anything to be with you!

PenPineappleApplePen@Ruby 👑PrincessKittyCat👑 No cry meow...😥

SerpentineMy sweet, sweet Sapphy, I must find you. 😪

a person@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) yeah, my favorite color is green💚 oh and I don't mind generic questions, they let you know a lot of things about people.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@a person Ah cool. Green is such a lovely color😋👍🏼

SerpentineGreen is also my favorite. I also like blue. Blue. . . Just like my Sapphire.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ruby Same! Green and blue are my fave colors. Emerald green (my birthstone😋). I also hole purple dear to my heart when it comes to buying clothing.

Serpentine@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) Lol Diamond is mine.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ruby Oh cool.

Serpentine@a person What's your birthstone?

PenPineappleApplePen@a person Whats Heaven like?😐

a person@Ruby You might find this amusing, but my birthstone is actually a sapphire

a person@🍃Timon&Pumbaa🍃 I don't believe in heaven, but it's supposed to be a place filled with eternal happiness, light and love. You get too see everyone that has passed (that is if they went to heaven) and live for eternity amongst the clouds. Also you're supposed to get wings, so that's cool.

a person@🍃Timon&Pumbaa🍃 Drat. I don't believe in heaven but it's supposed to be a place filled with love and light. You get too see everyone that has passed and have also gone to heaven.

a personI also hear you get wings, so that's pretty dope.

Serpentine@a person Oh, Sapphire!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯There are 50 comments and only 16 votes!😱 you must me loved😂😂

a person@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB maybe haha only by a few people though 😄

Serpentine@a person I love you! And even more now that your birthstone is a Sapphire. 😜

Serpentine@a person I wuv you! lol

a person@Ruby Thank you very much and yeah I figured you might

PenPineappleApplePen@a person Nice! One fine day I'll see my Family & Friends but not just yet.😊