Are you a feminist? (The true meaning)

8 votes

Yes (I believe men and women should have equal rights)
22 votes

I believe women should have more rights
3 votes


SerpentineThe very idea that women and men are equal, and they have the same abilities, is not true. A man cannot give birth. A woman's average strength is not as much as a man. However, they should have equal rights.

SerpentineI do not like this new feminism, though. It's caused many women to start thinking they deserve everything, and they're always victims. Not true. The old feminism, however, I would support.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Peridot interesting. Makes you think! Thank you for your opinion😊

S@Peridot exactly!

SerpentineWell, I'm HAPPY you're happy!

Lonesomeghostsidk I don't really pay attention to that stuff

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@👑💁🏽LonelyQueen💁🏽👑 well you don't have to😳 all you need to answer is do you think women should have the same rights as men

🎩Banter🎩but you can support the idea of equality without being feminist. You can be egalitarian

Serpentine@🎩Banter🎩 Yea, that sounds about right. :/ Sounds like something I would more support, than feminism, since the whole idea's kinda been lost there. 😅