What do you look for in music? What qualities do the songs you love have?

Good Vocals
13 votes

Instrumentals/Actual Instruments
7 votes

3 votes

Meaningful Lyrics
13 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)the songs I love have good messages, good vocals, and actual instruments. That means I usually end up listening to older music. But sometimes I like pop songs, they're catchy and can have good beats.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I really like all genres of music! So in a song I usually look for either a good beat, and good melody or if the son is older a more beautiful melody and many instruments

a personAll of the above, if I'm looking for something I'll probably like for a long time. But if I'm not, the music I listen to can be funny/good but kind of offensive to various groups. (I also tend to respect artists more if they write their own songs).

a personAnd by offensive I mean not suitable for all age groups

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@a person Offensive to various groups? What do you mean? And I agree, artists that write their own songs are so much better and on a completely different level than those who don't.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@a person Oh! Didn't see your second comment wren I commented up there.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Strange how most people are saying that they look for meaningful lyrics, when a lot of the stuff that's popular today, and the things that get most attention have *no* meaning or a bad message.....

SerpentineI usually only pay attention to the actual music. Not really lyrics.

S@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) ikr. i listen to indie music because it has meaning and idc if it isn't popular and i get teased for not being mainstream

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@NotYourOrdinaryGirl Ooh nice. I'm more of a classic rock person myself. And Taylor Swift, that new 1989 album is nice👌🏽

Lonesomeghostsif the lyrics speak to me and that kind of shiz

Dat boi popplioAll of the points mentioned. 🐛