Do you believe in God? (Comment why or why not)

Yes, I believe in God
176 votes

No, I don't believe in God/ affiliate with a religion
17 votes


HollyreneeI admire the idea of a higher power, but the morals in the Christian bible drive me to believe in my own God.

serinai believe in Christ

MakenzieYes cause he has cured many people

Ashley{FPS}👮🏼I do and I accidentally pressed I didn't. Did a quick prayer after that😁

Nicole@Ashley{FPS}👮{ACS}👊 😂

i💖hamstersI do I go to church I went to school about it, so yes I believe when you die you will go straight up and you will have a good future and you will live again👍🏻 plz don't make fun of God

AlexandraI do and who doesn't believe in God

Hollyrenee@Gabi How was I making fun of God? I was simply asking if people thought "he" or "she" or "it" existed. There's nothing disrespectful about that.

Nicole@amelialandon It?

Lonesomeghostsyes I do with all my heart

elaina_danielle2019I feel like some people say they believe in god but most dont live it out and dont show it. Think about this.... Even satan believes in god but he hasn't ACCEPTED him and lived for him. If youre really a follower of god you have to do more than believe in him. Actions (good actions) won't get you to heaven and dont make you saved .. All you have to do is accept him and live out your faith... If you don't, you were probably not saved in the first place.. Lol i just preached

elaina_danielle2019and you have to believe that he is gods son and accept that you are a sinner

Bi totally agree with elaina. It's unfortunately really true.

Lonesomeghosts@elaina_danielle2019 that is very true, everyone I know thinks they have to believe in God and go to church, I tell them there's more to it than that....but anyway May God bless you

MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG}I do because I believe that the afterlife goes to heaven where God is✌️

SkylerI love God! The easiest way to say it is that he is just so awesome!

a personNo I don't. And I can clearly see that not a lot of people on here agree with me- but that's cool. I just don't find it very realistic.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯.... Nope.... But I call myself a Christian cause I like the culture than comes with it! I'm kinda sitting in the middle of the fence tbh

NatalieI do. I believe that everything came from something.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Natalie I believe that everything came from nothing😊

DragonJay🐉I don't know.

Lonesomeghosts@Natalie same

c@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB me too i just dont know

sonjayes, I do because He created the world and if not, where did it come from? Nothing? That's scientifically impossible.

a person@sonja it came from particles coming together in the universe, eventually building up enough pressure to create a big bang. Then over billions of years the planets formed and started the rotation around our sun with gravitational pull.

a personIf God exists, how is there no proof of him besides in the theories of man? I just don't see how an all-powerful being could exist. I'm not trying to bash your beliefs, just stating what I think is true. We'll probably never know, so I don't understand why there's so much hatred over the subject anyway.

Lonesomeghosts@a person I believe in God, but if you think about it most people who say God doesn't exist, believe that gods like Hercules and Zeus are real...... but you're allowed to state your beliefs

a person@👑💁🏽LonelyQueen💁🏽👑 I don't think that's true- at least I've never met anyone who thought that (I certainly don't). I accept all beliefs as a possibility- but I don't follow any religion as I don't really think any of them are right. (Agnostic/Atheist)

PaigeI believe in god I live in a very religious household

fluttershy12how did the Big Bang get made then when nothing was in the world(other then God)

fluttershy12it was a black place with only God so he needed was so he created us

😜😘🤓MissNerd🤓😘😜He created us because who did if he didn't

dancefreak90god is the creator of us people say prove if he exists ya we'll prove he doesn't cause he does.

Super girl💖Hés the 1. Who. Made. Us