There's this boy I like, he's a year older,8th grader how do I get him to like me?

44 votes

5 votes


shy_girl1123try to be friends with him and associate with him a little

💐LiaJayne💐I would love to know an answer for this too

diva19088try to get around him

diva19088but I shouldn't know how to react against 8th graders I'm going into 5th

i💖hamstersokay my answer is easy it's called “flirt” lol if you need more information go to google and search “ how to flirt “ that might help

i💖hamstersif you don't feel like going to google message me

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑You can't get people to like you. Either they like you or they don't. Talk to him, flirt a little bit but nothing too crazy, and see if it seems like he likes you. If so, great. If not, move on.

Dat boi popplioYour profile says you're 12, which is too young for dating. 🐛

serinaomg it doesn't matter if she's 12 worry for yourself

daisy11.lovemydog118she's not dating she just likes a boy so what you can do is talk to him and start a conversation and if you can't then let him start it I hope it works :)

Dat boi popplioPeople are telling her to flirt with him, which is not how you make friends. 🐛

Alli<3hahaha I'm not allowed to date yet but 🐛 has a point, but I just changed schools so I won't see him 😢

AddisonJust be like hey not allowed to date either but just hang around him a lot and see what happens