Do your parents know you have this app

Mind your own business
38 votes

33 votes

32 votes


Dat boi popplioYeah, cause they have to put in the password in the App Store when I get apps. 🐛

#IamawesomeNo i won't tell then cause of all the drama and they won't get what it's useful for

Fantathey don't cause they don't look at my apps😑

a personMy mom doesn't know any of the apps I have 👌🏻

#Iamawesome@a person me too that's creepy

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸my mom probably doesn't remember but she asked me what it was.

i💖hamstersmy mom knows not my dad but I have a password on my phone they can't get in, i don't want to tell them about the drama or they will flip and make me delete the app so , yo of course not LOL



emilymom only


EthanIf my parents knew about this app and what I've said on it, I would be dead


jump and dance!No