
Idk ?
8 votes

Rock (definitely not, they're a disgrace to rock)
15 votes

Boy band (agreed)
23 votes


AracelylovesspideyI don't like 5SOS. I actually have a deep hatred of the band. Just to let you know, I'm not hating on the fans. Okie? This is just my opinion, not a battle ground.

a personThey're a punk rock boy band. How about that? (I don't really listen to them but I'm just guessing)

WeeabooTrash@a person Pfffft no, I really like most punk rock and screamo bands and I hate when people call them a rock band because they don't fit into rock.

a person@WeeabooTrash Well in my experience the people who call bands like that rock are usually little kids (girls usually) who have no idea what rock is. (Just saying)

a personIt also might depend on the songs they're thinking of bc a lot of bands don't fit into one genre these days

JayyAnnoying boy band.But a lot of people say they are rock (They probably don't know what rock is.)