Do you like Girl meets world?

Not at all
15 votes

Yessssss I love it!
25 votes

It's okay
11 votes


SerpentineNo, the acting is awful, it's overrated, the problems in the storyline are taken too far, and it really isn't that resonable.

Katie💗um ok I'm sorry u feel that way I'm also sorry that you are so negative in heart.

EthanNever seen it, don't want to see it

Ethan@KKKatie says the person with KKK in their name

Katie💗My name is Katie is it so wrong to have some uniqueness in my USERname? Your name is Ethan(flag)FAM(flag) what kind of name is that? And LOL the guy on top is Sour Cream. Wow......

Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 is the group that I created, not offensive, and your username has KKK in it, which is offensive, so fuck you

Serpentine@KKKatie I'm not negative at heart, I just don't like poorly made kids TV crap. And Ethan's pretty unique. Sour Cream is also a character in a cartoon. 😂

Serpentine@KKKatie KKKatie isn't really unique at all, I'm sure anyone could come up with that.

SerpentineBasically any show by Disney is awful, with bad acting and poorly written storylines.

Katie💗you are so negative.

Ethan@KKKatie and you are racist

Serpentine@KKKatie Nope, normally I'm pretty optimistic. Besides, you're the one being negative focusing on the fact that you think I'm being negative.

Katie💗@Um ok Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 and "hi it's me nob FAM

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Yeah, Disney shows are really bad these days......😁Not a fan of the acting, script, storyline, or any of it. It's pretty cheesy and unrealistic.