The term 'slut' was originally used to describe a woman who did not keep her room clean. Did you know?

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🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸yeah my friend told me that she used to call her other friend a slut because her room was messy. But the girl was the other definition of slut and is a major bitch to me. Long story short yeah I knew that 😂

SerpentineHm I guess I'm a slut, then.

NotoriousBiggest slut of all goes to a young relative of mine.

SerpentineDAMN SLUT! Lol. Dear ol' Jakey's a slut.

DragonJay🐉Yes.My little sister is a slut.

D_LannnLol i guess a lot of kids and teenagers are sluts these days! 😂

NotoriousHahaha this entire comment section would look really wrong if no one had read the fact.