A French study states that women are better off without bras- bras don't decrease back pain and can increase sagging.

I knew this!
14 votes

I didn't know this...
15 votes


SerpentineI knew this. But I feel weird without them. ๐Ÿ˜…

Sarah(FAM/PMS)What I've heard is that bras are needed throughout the day to prevent bouncing around, which will break down breast tissue over time. But wearing bras at night isn't good because you're lying down and that'll break it down since you're not moving.

SerpentineI don't wear them at night, though.


NotoriousMy tits hurt no matter what I do. I think I'm dying.

Serpentine@Notorious ._.

Notorious@Jake NOB๐Ÿ‘‘FAM ;-)

SerpentineOh, you! โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿ˜‚

โ™”โœงโ“ˆโ“‰โ“Žโ“โ’บโœงโ™”Whatever, I'll still wear brasโ€ฆ they're probably just perverts out ere.

Serpentine@๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ”ช๊†ฐ๊€Ž๊Ÿ๊Ÿ๊ˆค_๊‚ฆ๊Ž‡_๊Œ—๊๊€ธ๊ˆค๊Ÿ๊Œ—๊Œ—๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ’€ Yea, they mean more at night than anything else, when you go to sleep.

๐Ÿ‘‘MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp๐Ÿ‘‘this is true but I mean running is good so