Just so everyone knows I'm a GIRL.

38 votes

8 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)I KNEW THAT!!! 😊 If you were a guy, well, you'd be a really pretty boy.

DragonJay🐉@Sarah(FAM/PMS) A lot of people think I'm a guy and that Cutie Pie girl keeps on calling me a boy and thank you?

Jada_Sartorius😍❤️😘💖🙈@Jayden that's Hera

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Jayden Ignore Hera. She's a piece of work. I think you're really pretty. The only reason people say that is to get your feelings, and having short hair is their "reason." But you're beautiful.

DragonJay🐉@Sarah(FAM/PMS) Thank you!😢

DragonJay🐉@Sarah(FAM/PMS) Darn it now I'm tearing up!!😭

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Jayden Honest is the best policy😊

Jada_Sartorius😍❤️😘💖🙈@Sarah(FAM/PMS) I thought it was honest


DragonJay🐉@Jada🎀👑🎉 You tried to correct someone and had to correct yourself!😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Jada🎀👑🎉 Yeah, it was supposed to say that. Whatever, she gets he message!

Jada_Sartorius😍❤️😘💖🙈@Jayden I told you guys I was stupid 😑

Jada_Sartorius😍❤️😘💖🙈@Sarah(FAM/PMS) *teh



DragonJay🐉@Sarah(FAM/PMS) No you aren't!!Stupid means more than just not smart!!!!

Fifiiii Ils sont vraiment TROP gentils

DragonJay🐉@Fifiiii What?

Fifiiii @Jayden Nothing, sorry ^^

Clara😈@Jayden they are veryyyyyyy stupid 😘

DragonJay🐉@Clara👊🏼👑 ☺️

PenPineappleApplePenI knew that😊


M_Elyse🎀@😑Jayden😑 wtf?

PenPineappleApplePen@😑Jayden😑 Why did you say that?😂

DragonJay🐉@Lumpy_Space_Princess I don't know

PenPineappleApplePen@😑Jayden😑 Ok silly Goose😁

DragonJay🐉@Lumpy_Space_Princess 😀

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I know, I know

jsuisdrole@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|NOB I Now again for yo !

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 J'te permet pas ...

Clara😈@Fifiiii t conne

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 J'te permets pas plus ..

Clara😈@Fifiiii t conne!

CléopâtreYou really have a boyish face.

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 Wooo c'est bien, t'en as pas une autre ?

Clara😈@Fifiiii t ma soumise

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 Waaa bravo, c'est tout ?

Te connais pasOk

Clara😈@Fifiiii TG soumise

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 Désolée mais non ...

Clara😈@Fifiiii dsl mais si

Fifiiii @Clara👊🏼👑 Ben on peut encore continuer longtemps comme ca mais bon...

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯jdoanvdie dhdinsvdud honey disks hfilsnshdinevdindvwjdkdbsbsodndhdo homebody kens hodndbidkdbdjsnspwpsb Do you not agree?

DragonJay🐉@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|NOB I totally agree.

DragonJay🐉@LadY. Are you trying to be rude?