I went on a walk and got lost in the middle of the woods😳

27 votes

Idk what you should do?!?
6 votes

Find the street again and ask directions from there?!?
7 votes

😋😂😏YOUR GONNA DIE😏😂😋👌👌👌👌
7 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)I'm sure you'll be fine. Retrace your steps or mark your location. Look for landmarks you recognize. Once you find a street, you can find you way back.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Sarah(FAM/PMS) thanks! I'm at home now

Dat boi popplio*You're. 🐛

MøöpÿDôöpÿ@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|NOB Cool! Congrats! Or if you had your phone, call your parents

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@MööpÿDôöpÿ how did I not think of that😂😂

Fangirl101Wait a minute how did you get the wifi to even post this question?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Fangirl101 I think she took a pic at the time, and when she got back posted it.

Fangirl101@Sarah(FAM/PMS) oh ok

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Fangirl101 yupidoo! I also have this thin called 3G which gives you wifi in most places. It just a little slow😳 an there some problems but yeah!👍

Fangirl101@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|NOB oh ok did your parents worried about you?


Fangirl101@DragonJay🐉 really?😑

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Fangirl101 well, when I got home yes! But I hadn't been gone more than an hour and she knew I was out taking a stroll👍

Fangirl101@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES ok.My parents would've already called the president if that happened to me.