What Fandom or book series is your favorite?📖📖📖

Percy Jackson
4 votes

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7 votes

Hunger Games
5 votes

Harry Potter
2 votes


noeThe AFTER series by Anna Todd

Eminem890Hunger Games!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

NatalieGartshoreHannah Montana

⚓️Mickey⚓️Lord of The Rings, Hunger Games, and The Hunger Games. Although I really want to get into the Percy Jackson series. I've heard they are fantastic.

⚓️Mickey⚓️@⚓️Becky⚓️ I meant Harry Potter on the first Hunger Games 😂

Fangirl101@⚓️Becky⚓️ The percy jackson series is awesome.Trust me you should read it

⚓️Mickey⚓️@Fangirl101 Thanks, I'll definitely start!

Fangirl101@⚓️Becky⚓️ your welcome ◕ω◕