I'm extremely weirded out right now, because everyone is playing along with the joke about @😑No!😑 and I getting maried

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29 votes



Sarah(FAM/PMS)I'm officiating not the wedding!✋🏼 free of charge, for friends!!!!

JC@Sarah(FAM/PMS) 'not'?

Serpentine@Sarah(FAM/PMS) OMG THANK YOU!

SerpentineMe and Jayden will be the brides. xD Jakey x Jayden x Sakanaru! It's official! Sak is marryin both of us! 😂

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Opal I'm actually a bride in both weddings, as well as the pastor dude. That's called awesome multitasking.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Opal and you're both welcome! 😄 free of charge for friends.

PenPineappleApplePen@Sarah(FAM/PMS) Tank you Sarah my Husband me love long time tuu😍

JC@PrincessTingTong I'm not marrying you.

PenPineappleApplePen@Jayden 😓😔😞😟😢😣😩😫😭


SerpentineJayden's not marrying Ting Tong, just anyone else who is played by Sak.