ALL I WANTED TO SAY WAS 'I wanna fly!' Geez!!😩

54 votes

I don't get it.
17 votes



SerpentineWhoa. . . Siri gotta dirty mind


electrobentenHAHA well try that when I get a iPod 5th gen



JC@electrobenten You're 18, don't you have a phone?You have HeyCrowd which is only in the apple App Store.And iPhones have Siri.πŸ˜•

Serpentine@Jaycee He's 12. . .

electrobentenbut I'm saving up for a phone

electrobentenhow did it tern I wanna fly into I wanna fuck ?

JC@electrobenten I have no idea.

electrobentenme ether

electrobentenbut I feel bad what's going on in your life rit now

Serpentine@electrobenten Whoa! Ether??? What you be doin' with Ether, boy?? 😦