Guys after my first tennis practice my feet/heel hurts REALLY badly were I hurts to walk on it what's wrong with it

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bms.ashliI used to Play so when you move a lot the shoes tend to ride up on your feet try getting more comfortable shoes that's what was for me

savana_hannawaAfter basketball and dance I get like that my brother told me that my feet just got cramped up I just stretch them out and it usually feels better after like 10 minutes

JCAwwww!Do you know what's also very painful?Having to put your foot over your head while doing a cartwheel.πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–I pulled a muscle and I'm really sore because of it.

πŸ’LiaJayneπŸ’maybe u hurt your Achilles' tendon

PenPineappleApplePenI know the feeling my Doc wrapped it up & put me on crutches to take the weight off of it for about a week & a half.

iπŸ’–hamstersI think you should get a towel get it wet with cold water relax for a couple of minutes and then when you're done eating something take a muscle relaxer it's a medicine that we'll take the pain away and it well also make you sleep for you're muscles can relax. And believe me it might work?