Do you prefer? Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla milkshake best

Urgh, who wants milkshake
287 votes

Definitely strawberry
863 votes

1609 votes

764 votes


Lalavanilla flavour,chocolate sauce and marshmallows !!! 😃😃😃

Monkeyface92milkshakes make me sick, I'd choose sundae

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHMix of all and vim to

Mrs Horan @Lala yum

Leah....I prefer banana 😆

Charlottevanilla is the best but in some places I can hardly find it

grenofenPreferably I like banana

sophh xxi like all of them ahah x

Eden Spenceri meant chocolate but pressed strawberry

Cuz I can ride!!!!🏇why would u wanna know

Eden Spenceri meant chocolate but pressed strawberry

Cuz I can ride!!!!🏇why would u wanna know

Frankie PollingtonI love vanilla to I do like the others but they make me feel sick coz there to sweet I prefer smoothys 🍓

Me!!!@Frankie Pollington haha same!x

Madooshwat about banana milk shake 😍😰😭😢💧

Madooshi ❤ banana milkshake xx

xoxo lucy xoxo banana <3