You find an ancient treasure chest in your backyard. What do you want to find in it?

52 votes

4 votes

A strange map
13 votes

Other (comment)
5 votes


Fangirl101A secret map to another secret chest filled with gold so I can have an adventure AND gold

taylor1327@Fangirl101 same

JCA knife, life time supply of Oreos, a bow and arrow, a sword, a map, water purifiers, black leggings, a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, pita bread, and a black backpack.

JCObviously for survival in the wilderness. 😑

electrobenten@Jaycee evry thing in the world ;)

electrobentenwell some things I was not whant cus most pepole know why

electrobentenif you know what I mean

PenPineappleApplePenGold coins & Medallions 💰

eggsA treasure map! That would be so fun!