If you were able to have 1 wish what would it be be???

to live in the past
2 votes

comment down what?!?!?
12 votes

have a dog
4 votes

Have 1million dollars
21 votes


SavonneTo help every Homeles person in the world.

SerpentineTo be able to time travel.

SHANE-D.4LIFE😍😘😝😂😮 To not have scoliosis

Serpentine@Moosefacethe2nd#STF Apoligies about my ignorance status, but what ks "scoliosis"?

Kyleto have a infinite amount of money

Serpentine@Autocorrect **is

electrobentento have evrything in the world but not some things if you know what I mean

Fangirl101I know this is silly but...I want to move stuff with my mind!

electrobenten@Fangirl101 I wad whant evry thing cus you was be able to do that and get other stufe and yea

Karai would wish to have a million more wishes

SerpentineHow about we don't use unoriginal, boring wishes like "more wishes" or "everything in the world?" That's way too uncreative.

casFreeze time but i could still move