last night I saw a ghost :O it was creepy

that's creepy
21 votes

I don't care
5 votes


Serpentine😑 I'm sure you did.

electrobenten@Autocorrect I did

Serpentine@electrobenten Explain it to me exactly. I bet you don't even know what a ghost really is.

JCNo. You're lying.Im not stupid 。🍚🍜🍱

SerpentineMe and Jaycee have had supernaturual interactions—at least I'm pretty sure—and I'm positive you're not the type of person to experience a supernatural pheonomina like this.

electrobentenit ran out of my bathroom and stared at me whith a really big smile and then disappeard

Serpentine@electrobenten Nope, that's nothing like it. What did it look like?

electrobentenit looked like my brother and it had a huge smile

Serpentine@electrobenten That's probably just your imagination. Ghosts don't really have a specific appearance that you can describe. . . They're just there. . .

electrobentenyea just it scared the living shit out of me

_MyChemicalUriePilots_I'm not afraid of anything (except spiders. They freak the living shit out of me lmao)

electrobenten@卌Ąɩɛҳıʂ卌 some spiders don't scare me

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@electrobenten ALL SPIDERS SCARE ME LOL IM 15 AND THEY SCARE ME LOL

electrobentenjumping spiders and daddy long legs don't scare me but eny other spider dose

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@electrobenten oh okay