Looks like Nicki Minaj has a baby bump. Do you think she is pregnant?

Nope :/
6 votes

Hope so ! ;)
4 votes

Could be just Fat ! :/
2 votes

Yes :)
16 votes


SerpentineI wouldn't be surprised but I honestly don't care.

a personShe's a thick girl. Not everyone has a flat stomach, even celebrities. Plus that is a figure hugging skirt so idk.

Minnie@autocorrect if you honestly don't care then you didn't have to comment or do anything 😊👋

Minnie@aperson ... Yeah you're right but if cause if she was pregnant then the world wouldve known by now 😊lol

Serpentine@Minnie I know. 😊 I commented anyway.

Serpentine@a person Yeah, true. I don't have a flat stomach either.


SerpentineUnfortunately. ._.


JCI don't know.
