I've lost faith in humanity.

67 votes

11 votes


SerpentineThe thing says: "Barbie can't wait to have a baby! She's glad she didn't listen to that grumpy old nurse at the clinic."

Serpentine"She's had so much fun shopping for cool baby stuff with her girlfriends."

Serpentine"She found this trendy diaper bag. . ."

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Oh my fucking god. That can't be real. It must be photoshopped or something.

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@Sarah(FAM/PMS) I believe it.... It's just kind of sad that this is the kind of world we live in......😒😔😑

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ Where has everyone's morals gone? Why is that okay? Ugh.

JCOh geez.I told Ken to use condoms.😒But on a more serious note, THIS TOY IS INAPPROPRIATE FOR KIDS!!!!!

PenPineappleApplePenIlluminati they want to mess up kids brains...

a personYes, because we need more pregnant teens with no way to support a child.

Serpentine@JC 😂

Serpentine@DonkeyCavity Illuminati? That has nothing to do with it. The Illuminati is a fake organization.

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@Sarah(FAM/PMS) I don't think it is okay, I'm just saying that it's awful but I believe that this is what our world has come to. 😑

SerpentineThis. . . This is just pitiful.

electrobentenOMFG that's uggggg I can even explain it

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ I know that! I meant those questions as like, rhetorical, or for society to think about.

PenPineappleApplePen@Amethyst nuh uh! Theyre real😐

Serpentine@JichaelMackson No they're not. 😂 trust me, I've researched it. I'll show you a video.

PenPineappleApplePen@Amethyst oki i wanna see it

Serpentine@JichaelMackson Latest question.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯the 80's. That's all I need to say

CalvnKleinUmm I'm pretty sure this is one of those fake commercial products that the "advertise" on SNL (Saturday Night Live). It's meant to be funny. This would never get past the first stages of a production line in real life haha 😂