What do you usually watch on youtube?

Makeup tutorials
9 votes

21 votes

Music/lyric videos
12 votes

Funny videos
22 votes


electrobentengaming and music videos

electrobenteni whach markiplier pewdiepie jackseticeye smosh games and smosh 2nd channel and smosh shut up cartoons and fine bros thiojoe and a lot others

Ethanfunny gaming videos

SerpentinePeople making fun of stupid people, YTPs, episodes of my favorite shows, and gaming.

Fangirl101Usually comedy videos but sometimes I like to watch gaming

l369sparkle💐Rhett and Link

electrobenten@l369sparkle me to

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯DAN AND PHIL😍 don't know what category they fall into! Also does playing he sims count as gaming??😆 I also watch a few beauty gurus but mostly for DIYs or lifehacks or outfit ideas! I usually watch: Sierra Furtado, Meredith Foster and MyLifeAsEva

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯Oh I also watch a loooot of buzzfeed!

PaigeI watch Miranda phyco soprano and Rachel ballinger

PaigeThis one kid in my grade had on a shirt that said Miranda's Bae

ElineCould everyone please vote on my last 3 questions?? I need to have some quick answers! Thank youuu ❤️

JCDaz Games.



🐢Turtle🐢@electrobenten I FUCKING TEXTED YOU PUTA😤 ( I try to control it😓 )

electrobenten@💎Fox💎 ok my dad was being a dick

🐢Turtle🐢@electrobenten she the fuck up😑😑😑

electrobenten@💎Fox💎 I'm confused

🐢Turtle🐢suree like u always are

Serpentine@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES Ah yes, Buzzfeed.

PenPineappleApplePenguitar lessons