Do you think homosexuality will ever be fully normalized in our society?

I don't care
6 votes

No, it will never happen
6 votes

Maybe for the most part, but never fully 100%
10 votes

Yes, eventually, and it's already starting to happen
18 votes


CalvnKleinI think in a few sectors homosexuality is sort of on the right path to becoming normalized, like in certain neighborhoods of big cities.

a personHopefully, but I think it'll take a while. Marriage equality was definitely a step in the right direction, but there are still lots of people that are violently against homosexuality.

EthanIt has been about 150 years since slavery ended and about 50 years since the civil rights movement, and yet there we still see racial tension in America

Ethanso it probably won't happen in the near future

CalvnKlein@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 & @a person, You're both very right. It probably will not happen in the near future, and it'll probably take many years for it to happen. But as long as we keep steadily moving in the direction of tolerance, acceptance, and reduced hate violence, I'm happy 😊

Delta_DragonsI agree with all of u

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️I hope so