I get teased everywhere I go :(

It's time for columbine the sequel
7 votes

Me too
30 votes

Shut the fuck up you attention whore
47 votes

Stay strong kid
94 votes


Filipino prideDon't ever ever ever ever let them bring you down!!!!!!!!!!!!

guythe last one is messed up

guythe last one is messed up

Nayai hope you know that the last choice u wrote wasn't funny

Naya@Naya it was offensive and rude I know u get picked on but u don't use that as a joke

BVB_loverwhat's columbine the sequel?

hiDon't let people hurt u. Stay strong. And the last answer is just really mean. Columbine was a tragedy, and it's not funny. It affected many people's lives. So I hope u were just joking

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. attention whore.

Ethanattention cum bucket