How do u get rid of cold sores?

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CalvnKleinOnce you get an outbreak, there's not much you can really do to make them go away, except let them finish their course. Just take care of the blisters and crusting. They're very infectious, so don't kiss or share food or stuff that touches your lips with anyone while you have them

CalvnKleinYou could try putting some antiviral medication ointment at the very first signs of an outbreak to help reduce its duration, like acyclovir or famcyclovir. The key, though, is to prevent them happening at all. Avoid your triggers; common ones are stress, sun, hormonal changes, etc.

🐷Gunnar🐺put some bacon on it

Mattieannwhineryput some Chapstick on it ok

CalvnKlein@mattie, medicated chapstick. And obvi don't share it with anyone lol