What are your thoughts on this video? If you don't want to watch it, it's about a YouTuber who thinks fat shamming is ok

I don't know what to think about this
17 votes

๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ฑNicole Abour(the bitch who made this video) is a total jerk!๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜–
68 votes

I agree with her...๐Ÿ˜
26 votes

20 votes



SerpentineI respect this girl. She's right. It's most of the time your fault if your fat, and you're killing yourself. She has a right to shame, because they are taking their body for granted.

Dat boi popplio@Sugilite *You're. Part of your comment, I agree with - usually it is bad if you're fat. I do not agree with the end of your comment. No one has the right to shame anyone else for any reason. ๐ŸŽท๐Ÿ›

Ashley{FPS}๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐ŸผI like her videos

JayyI hate her.(Yes, I said hate.What chu gonna do?!)

Jaxx@Ashley{FPS}๐Ÿ‘ฎ{ACS}๐Ÿ‘Š so u agree with fat shaming?really people?

Jayy@Gail IKR!

Jaxx@Sugilite so you respect fat shaming?

Jaxx@Jay THANK you!

Ethanobesity leads to a lower life expectancy, just saying

Jaxx@Ethan๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธFAM๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ I know, but I definitely would feel better if she didn't look anorexic

Sarah(FAM/PMS)She makes some good points, but she's an asshole about it. So that means I can't respect her opinions at all. Also, fat shaming often causes people's self esteem to lower and eat more, so she's not helping.

SerpentineAhem. **Respect her opinion

Serpentine@Gail No, I never said that. You are now putting words in my mouth.

Serpentine@Sarah(FAM/PMS) Yes, that is true. The first thing that comes to someone's mind when you shame them isn't the solution, they just start thinking low of themselves, causing them to stress eat.

Serpentine@๐ŸŽท๐Ÿ› She has the right to shame, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. She has good intentions, not good results.

Serpentine@Gail Wow. "if she didn't look anorexic," Do you realize how ironic your comment was? This was about how bad fat shaming is, but you're shaming her for somehow looking anorexic.

a personShe didn't have to be quite so rude but she does actually have a point. She basically just said that if you're overweight and unhealthy you are affecting your life in a negative way

a personAnd it would be beneficial to you to be in shape and eat healthy so you can have a longer, better life.

Serpentine@a person Yesh, that is quite true. ๐Ÿšฌ

AyeshaFiraHonestly it's terrible, it is true to say if your obese and maybe a little TOO overweight then you could kill yourself but it Doesn't mean you have to have a six pack But I DO NOT agree with fat shaming

Jaxx@Sugilite one word for ya. Chill.

Jaxx@AyeshaFira that's a good point

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Gail why should she chill? She made a good point.

Serpentine@Gail One word for you. Think about what you're saying. I don't need to chill.

Jayy@Sugilite That was ten words.๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Jay fine then. Phrase. Sentence. Her point is still the same.

Jayy@Sarah(FAM/PMS) Okay.Cool!๐Ÿ˜‘

Serpentine@Jay Lol yea, I meant phrase.

Serpentine@Jay Or you could just focus on the word "think," whatever works for you lol ๐Ÿ˜›


Jaxx@Sugilite ok, thought about the what I said and well, I don't think much else about it. I don't really want a fight here, the only point of this questions was to hear some opinions. That's all.

Serpentine@Gail You can't expect to display your opinions without someone else trying to debate.

Serpentine@Gail Anyway, you were the one arguing with other opinions up there ^

brookeShe probably did offend some people but at the same time, she's encouraging people to make healthier choices, and she even says all of this at the end of the video.

Jaxx@Sugilite I didn't say I didn't expect it, I just said the intention I had " you can't put words in my mouth ".

Jaxx@Brooke there actually is another video in response from specialists, most of the things she says are actually not true.

brookebut it's also her opinion and so she didn't point certain people (names) out she was saying that although some people are overweight they should try to be healthier because it will help them in the long run

brooke@Gail ^

Serpentine@Gail What?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@brooke actually the way she presented herself doesn't help. There's a difference between shaming and educating. She was shaming, which just cause heavier people to go into a downward spiral. They'll eat more because she lowered their self esteem and motivation.

Jaxx@Sugilite you claimed before that I was putting words in your mouth, so since you where almost doing the same thing , I put air quotes since I was quoting you. That is all.

Jaxx@Brooke that's true, but I do think she could have had a better approach to her point. I just think that Nicole could have been a but more polite

brooke@Sarah(FAM/PMS) I understand that but Ik some overweight people who say stuff like this all the time and would laugh and agree with it. She wasn't directly shaming them nor was she educating. She was creating a video for her YouTube channel on the topic of overweight people and giving her thoughts on it. Kind of like this comment section. I'm not saying that she was 100% right, but she wasn't 100% wrong either. I also don't think that everyone has to be a size 0, but there are benefits to being a healthy weight and yes ik some people can't help it, but some can. Every person has a different diet and we don't all eat how we are supposed to all the time, including myself, but I try to eliminate all the unneeded calories (sugars, fats, etc.) that I don't need. That doesn't mean I don't snack and eat desserts sometimes but I try to choose healthier choices. Choosemyplate.gov can help those who want to have a good diet, everyone's will be different since everyone has a different lifestyle and such.

brooke@Gail I agree with that but that doesn't mean she created the video just to offend people

Jaxx@Brooke that is true but she still could've been more polite

brooke@Gail I understand that but you're trying to make the point that she was completely wrong to do that BUT how many times have you heard an overweight person criticize a skinny or an average-sized person? How many times have you judged someone? No matter what people express their thoughts, either meaning to or not meaning to hurt others feelings.

Jaxx@Brooke I don't think that she's TOTALLY wrong. I just think her approach wasn't the best I could have been

Jayy@Gail You judged me because I'm a scene kid, thinking I was a slacker.Even though I'm not I'm not but you're allowed to get angry at people when they have their own opinion or judgement.How is that fair?

SkylerOk I actually thought she was making a good point until she started making fun of fat people. People do need to take care of their bodies but it's only their business nobody else's. If everyone just worried about themselves then this wouldn't be that big of a problem. The story about her at the airport is just disgusting! How can she even think that way? Put yourself in their shoes! Maybe they are trying to loose weight, maybe they have diabetes, maybe they gain weight faster then other people! You don't know them so quit thinking you do! Everyone is different! We all aren't going to look as skinny as the people in magazines, and most of the time they are edited and photoshopped to look like that. So everyone out there just please have confidence in yourself, and everyone is beautiful in their own way!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@brooke um, I know all that stuff. All I was pointing out was that her negative approach isn't gonna motivate people to be healthier, it actually has the opposite effect. I'm not talking about her opinions, but her approach.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ Skyler your comment went too long and we can't read it. Maybe break it into smaller pieces?

Jaxx@Jay I did not judge bc you where a scene kid. I insulted you because you insulted me.

PenPineappleApplePenHeh heh!! Fuggit! You only live once pig out!!!๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jayy@Gail I didn't do it on purpose.

Skyler@Sarah(FAM/PMS) ok I will re type it.

SkylerOk I actually thought she was making a good point until she started making fun of fat people. People do need to take care of their bodies but it's only their business nobody else's.

Skyler@Skyler if everyone just worried about themselves then this wouldn't be that big of a problem. The story about her at the airport is just disgusting! How can she even think that way?

Skyler@Skyler put yourself in their shoes! Maybe they are trying to lose weight, maybe they gave diabetes, maybe they gain weight faster then other people! You don't know them so quit thinking you do!

Skyler@Skyler everyone is different! We all aren't going to look as skinny as the people in magazines, and most of the time they are edited and photoshopped to look like that. So everyone please just have confidence in yourself, and everyone is beautiful in their own way! Don't be something you aren't, just be yourself!

โ™”โœงโ“ˆโ“‰โ“Žโ“โ’บโœงโ™”I don't want to watch the video. But what happened?

Dat boi popplio@brooke In your first comment, you said you were cutting out fats. That is not good, fats are essential in the diet. Maybe you were just cutting out saturated fats? ๐ŸŽท๐Ÿ›

brooke@๐ŸŽท๐Ÿ› I put that I take out as many discretionary calories to my best ability. I'm not starving myself. I eat what I need to and not as much of the stuff that I don't.


Dat boi popplio@brooke That's fine. I thought you were encouraging people to completely cut out fats from their diet. ๐ŸŽท๐Ÿ›

MirandaIf you guys have ever seen the gabbie show her vines or YouTube videos. Then you know she was so pissed off at her she made a separate video from her usual day just to say how wrong it was. And I agree with gabbie

Serpentine@Gail My assuption was more reasonable, whereas your assuption was more emotional and defensive.

Jackalyn She just wants attention. This video is bs!

Miranda@Jackalyn I agreeโ˜บ๏ธ

Jaxx@Pinkie Pie I can't say if I agree