Do you like my singing?

You suck
140 votes

You are amazing!!!
274 votes

228 votes

Keep practicing
236 votes


i💖hamstersNice👍🏻 just don't do that thing with you're eyes😢

i💖hamstersbtw you sing amazing

lauren@🌸Flowergirl🌸thnx! What do u mean? I'm not sure what I do ? Like the eye roll I guess???

MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG}Your a little pitchy but your amazing

i💖hamsters@lauren I mean you like roll you're eyes I watched it again and it's actually like sassy and matches the dog so yeah great

lauren@🌸Flowergirl🌸oh ok! Thank you

lauren@MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG} thank you 😊☺️☺️

MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG}@lauren Your welcome

SkylerI don't want to be rude but...... Meh

lauren@Katness(ACS)(SES) it's ok lol I can take some criticism. That's what I want! Seeing if my voice teacher is doing her job!

laurenmaybe I need another song, any suggestions?? 😔

PaigeYou sing really good your voice teacher is definitely a good one. 🎤🎶🎶

lauren@Paige 😧thank you so much!!!!!😄😄😄

i💖hamsters@lauren you're amazing and I hope you post another song of you singing

Enter yournamePost more singing please!

Iamnotonthisappanymore@lauren you r amazing, post more vids of u singing

AyeshaFiraFlawless keep more!! Posting!!!

Sweet_PeaI think it sounded like your were trying to hard but who am I to judge I probably sound like a dying bird

Sweet_PeaYou should post more vids of you singing

jump and dance!Don't stop singing but maybe practice a little more!😀

eveI hayt you ugly poop head

jump and dance!Don't be so rude @eve!

Sophia@eve don't be a jerk!!!! Wow some people can be so rude!!!😡. @lauren I thought u were amaze. Keep doing what ur good at!!!

Aria@lauren you should do a cover of on my mind

OqreaYou are amazing and you have an incredible voice keep singing 👌🏻😍

r1c7Where can we hear your singing

Ella(AAB) U are good

EmmaWasingerYou're not horrible you just sound like u have no experience at singing. But if u keep practicing you will be AMAZING!..but I would delete this video

😄Waffle_luverz😄@EmmaWasinger That was rude. Personally I think you were great!

^.^it was okay just squeaky


Livi@lauren It was amazing I want to hear another song maybe try a song not by Selena Gomez (if I spelled her name right) it's not you it's her .You put HER to shame

LiviA whole lot more attitude

maya@lauren I agree with you EMMA

Kelseyu fucking suck

Kayla@Kelsey you're 11. be nice and watch your mouth.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️don't listen to the hater. they are jealous because you're good

CelesteU sing AMAZING!!😃🎤🎼🎶🎵😸😲