Story about anything in the comments. Life is boring right now, lets make it fun!

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Ethanonce upon a time, there was a beautiful chair

MøöpÿDôöpÿThe chair thought she was too good to be sat on

SerpentineThen a pony sat on it.

MøöpÿDôöpÿthe chair was so upset that she shook the pony off and fell on her

SerpentineThen Pinkie Pie bounced over to the new pony and introduced herself and told them that the chair was a meanie. Then Pinkie.Pie! offered the pony a cupcake.

felyDbut the pony could not eat eggs. So she took the cupcake and gave it to a rabbit. The rabbit LOOOOOOVED it and told all of its animal friends to follow the pony to get more food.

MøöpÿDôöpÿFluttershy notice all of the animal were following pinkie pie, so she followed too, and she couldn't believe what she saw

felyDA DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PenPineappleApplePenAww ground I love you😍