Have you ever seen a human being die, as in watch them literally take their last breath of air right in front of you??

Yes, a loved one (sorry!)
18 votes

WTF!!! (didn't mean to upset you)
7 votes

Yes, a stranger (sorry as well)
11 votes

No, never (consider yourself lucky)
36 votes


CalvnKleinA patient I've been taking care of for a month died recently. He was a 32-year-old man with end-stage colon cancer who had no close family. He didn't want to be alone in the end, so I stayed in his room until he passed away. It was one of the saddest moments of my whole life 😢

💕🎀Mangle🎀💕old man was roller skating

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯My brother saw a man got run over by a car but he didn't die. My brother has to call the police and stuff😱 a detective even called him later! It was all over the DC newspaper



Sarah(FAM/PMS)@CalvnKlein Oh my gosh. I'm really sorry, that must have been very tough. But it was really selfless and kind of you to stay. We're all very lucky to have people that would have been there for us.

CalvnKlein@Sarah(FAM/PMS), Thank you

Titanic_foreveryep loved one and a stranger

CalvnKlein@Titanicislife{ABC}(tlf), Sorry to hear that. Must have been hard

PenPineappleApplePen@CalvnKlein Wow... Thats so awesome of you. Its nice to know there is still decency in this world.. Good on ya dude👍🏼😊

CalvnKlein@🌰NuttyTheSquirrel🌰, Thank you. I really appreciate that 😊

Aliyah@CalvnKlein awe, sorry😔

CalvnKlein@Aliyah, Thank you.

ᒍᗩyᗪeᑎYeah.My grandma.

CalvnKlein@Jayden, Oh I'm really sorry!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@CalvnKlein your so nice!💖💖 there should be a LOT more people like you in the world!😔

CalvnKlein@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES, Aw thanks a lot! Thats nice of you to say that

Christian🍾🎊🎉Sort of I was freediving with my best friend and a storm came (we were in a lake in austria) and i came up in the right time but the lake pulled my bf down and well he died with 16 and i don't have a lot of friends he was actually my only friend i had in my county so i came into depressions but than a girl came and helped me.. So we were a couple for a while and not even a week ago she cheated on me, so well .. My life is kinda hart now 😓

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️A stranger, well, technically not a stranger. Last year, I was in NYC with one of my friends. The place is full of homeless people, if you don't already know.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️We were walking down a street when we saw a group of boys a few years younger than us huddling around something.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️Now, this is usually the part where you keep walking but since I had my pocketknife with me I decided to check it out.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️As we approached, we saw that the boys were not just staring, but they were punching and kicking at something.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️When we finally reached the middle of boys, we saw that they were beating an older homeless man and his dog

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️Shocked, my friend immediately called the police while I tried to resurrect the boys


⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️I shouted at them and screamed until they sort of just scattered

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️By now, my friend was off of the phone and we had no idea what more we could do

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️We weren't near any open businesses (it was some sort of winter holiday, I don't remember what though) and the man was obviously in need of help

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️We approached the man, cautiously. Him and his dog were splattered with blood and dirt and filth

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️When the man opened his eyes, he flinched, bracing himself for what he though to be miss pain


⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️Help us on the way, I told him, you don't have to be afraid, you're going to get help.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️But this man obviously was on his last leg

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️He shuddered and pulled out a cardboard sign from behind him.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️I read it silently and then almost broke into tears. It said "Please help. I'm trying to find a good home for this little pooch. She's kept me safe all of these years and now I want to return the favor. She deserves better than a life on the streets."

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️He pointed to his sleeping Pitbull that lay on his lap

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️"Make- Make sure she gets a good home....she's- she's all that I have left....."

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️And then that poor old man closer his eyes for the last time and died

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️And then of course we heard the wailing sirens of an ambulance

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️What they found was two teenage girls sobbing hysterically

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️At first they thought that he had hurt us and that we needed help but through choked sobs we explained

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️Now the man's dog was awake and alert, wondering why all of these random people were here.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️We explained that the dog was the lifeline of the man and we braced ourselves for whatever kill shelter related thing he was going to say

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️But what we received from the man was: "If she kept that old guy safe for as many years as it looks like, then she deserves better than a shelter. I'll do my best to get her to a vet, and it would be an honor for me to foster this love until I can find her something better."

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️And then he told us that this was no longer our problem and that everything would be taken care of

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️We returned to her apartment (she lives in the city by the way. I don't) and sat in silence until her mom came inside.

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️Our parents still have no idea what happened

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️And we will never know where that dig did end up or that old man's name

⭐️Believe_In_Steven⭐️So yeah, that's pretty much the time I saw someone die.

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@Jaxx THAT IS SO SAD!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I WANT TO KILL THOSE BOYS!!!!! 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿

MööpÿDøöpÿ@Jaxx That's so sad! I would never have been able to walk up to that scene. You were really brave!

MööpÿDøöpÿI have never seen someone die. I'm very lucky

CalvnKlein@Christian🍾🎊🎉, Aww dude! I'ms so sorry. It must have been really hard for you. Just remember that you're a really great of a person, and that you are able to overcome tough situation. I hope you're doing better now 😊

CalvnKlein@Jaxx, Man that sounds really horrible. It's so sad that boys could do such a terrible thing. But you were really brave in trying to help however you could ;)

Delta_DragonsI would've just walked over and said yo get the fuck away from that old man and his dog u little bitch-ass motherfuckers before I call the cops you dumbfucks