this song reamineds me of my ex girl frined

24 votes

22 votes


_MyChemicalUriePilots_I don't like the imagine dragons lol😂but it doesn't matter I just wanted to share my opinion. Fetty Wap reminds me of my BF. BABY WONT U COLE MY WAYYYY GOT SOMETHING ID LIKE TO SAYYYYY BABY WONT U COME MY WAYYYYY BUT FIRST OFF LET ME START BY SAYIN THIS...(Fetty Wap my Way lyrics. Only part of it doe. I'm Fetty obsessed) sorry for this lmao

electrobenten@🎨Artsy_Alexis🎨 it's ok

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@electrobenten okay. Cool.

electrobenten@🎨Artsy_Alexis🎨 LOL

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@electrobenten lol. Go listen to Fetty Wap if u wanna remember mehh.

electrobenten ok


electrobenten@🍌Emma_The_Minion🍌 ok

JayyI REALLY REALLY DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK!!And I don't think anyone else does either!!

electrobenten@Sad_Jaycee ok idc if you give a flying fuck

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯your 13😑

electrobenten@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES so what