How good are you at grammar?

Meh, im ok.
78 votes

I am very good at grammar.
62 votes

Dat is not hows you spell grammer
18 votes


Dat boi popplioI think more people should have pressed the last one. πŸŽ·πŸ›

Dat boi popplioHalf the people on here can't even read. πŸŽ·πŸ›

β™”βœ§β“ˆβ“‰β“Žβ“β’Ίβœ§β™”I'm good I guess.

AubreenaI like correcting spelling. That's why I'm the editor for my high school newspaper.

πŸ’›POLYVORE🌻Haha @πŸŽ·πŸ›

SerpentineI'm a grammar nazi.

CalvnKleinGood grammar = SEXY! Lol πŸ˜‰

Dat boi popplio@CalvnKlein Thanks. πŸŽ·πŸ›

Bubble_223i always say got instead of have

ᒍᗩyα—ͺeα‘Ž@CalvnKlein Truuue!

Serpentine@CalvnKlein You think so? How nice.