Ask me a question time

I'm ready for those questions
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67 votes


electrobentenhave you ever had a BF ?

a personIf you could have any food in the world right now, what would it be?


Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮Never had a boy friend I had a best friend though

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯If you had to read any book right now which would you choose📚📖

EthanVoid ray rush, imba or ba?

PenPineappleApplePenHow much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

message_mei fa boy ask you out what would you say

MøöpÿDôöpÿWhat are the skeletons behind you?

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES divergent

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 ?

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@🌰NuttyTheSquirrel🌰 I haven't figured that out yet

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@autumn I can't date until I'm 16😔 but it depends on the boy

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@MøöpÿDôòpÿ oh them skeletons there my friends😃 Jenny and Timmy want to be their friends too?

electrobenten@Aleisha/(SES)(FSP) just secretly date

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@electrobenten possible yeah

MøöpÿDôöpÿ@Aleisha/(SES)(FSP) 😃😃

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I wouldn't date or secretly date (😂) until I'm 15/14 which is only a couple of years until 16😉

Jameswould you suck my dick?

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@James no I don't do that stuff

electrobenten@James gross 😷😷😷