I'm crying my parent surprised me with a puppy!

7 votes

72 votes


ᒍᗩyᗪeᑎThat dog is off the internet.I've seen memes and gifs with that picture on tumblr.

PaigeThat's probably not her dog

PaigeShe probably just didn't take a pic of her dog yet

PaigeI'm so happy for you what is his/her name

eden yaacovhaha I know that dog! It's from thy internet!!! What's the point??

IamnotonthisappanymoreYayyyy! What r u gonna name him/her

ᒍᗩyᗪeᑎ@GirlyIshFashion You DO realize that it isn't her dog, right?


Enter yournameGuys I don't think she was saying that was her dog I think she just wanted to put a pic up of a puppy.

SHANE-D.4LIFE😍😘😝😂😮What is that internet dog,she's a liar, oh I already know that.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Moosefacethe2ndSTF @SadGirl I'm pretty sure that she just put up a pic of a random dog because she felt like it. She wasn't trying to pass that dog off as her own.

S_Awesome@Sarah(FAM/PMS) yes😋😃😎