Would you rather...

Know how you die
39 votes

Know when you die
47 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)Knowing when I die would help me prepare my loved ones for my passing.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Sarah(FAM/PMS) yeah I agree!

Dat boi popplioHow, so I can avoid the situation and achieve immortality. 🎷🐛

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@🎷🐛 but it's your fate, you wouldn't be able to. You would have to live our whole life in fear

Dat boi popplioCaterpillars don't feel fear. 🎷🐛

Serpentine@Sarah(FAM/PMS) True.

Serpentine@🎷🐛 No, that's not how it works. You can't change it, nor avoid it.

Serpentineprobably neither

Paige😂Know when you die

Samihaisdabest📱😊😍😘😋Neither! I don't want to think about it
