What time do u wake up in the morning ?

130 votes

128 votes

62 votes

445 votes


It's me againaround noon


McKenna 10:00

Rebecca-Lynn Parkinson there is no 4:00. In the morning

Rebecca-Lynn Parkinson :(

Lexi :) @Rebecca y that early

Lexi :) @Courtney same

Karatesinger113like 12:00 sometimes I know so late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

💕Mel💕😎like now In summer about 10:00-1:00 I go to sleep late so...

👉👌 👇, 👌? ✌️👋Hav to get up 6:00 for cross country even do its summer, uuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhh

✌️💋❤️Ariana Grande❤️💋✌️9:00-10-30

✌️💋❤️Ariana Grande❤️💋✌️9:00-10:00

jamyAround 12:30-2:00

✌️💋❤️Ariana Grande❤️💋✌️@jamy your pretty and I love your hair

Mr Hughes I wake up at 10 - 9

jamy@Miss.jagger thanks and you pretty too


Pretty pants depends if I have stuff to do like camp about 7 and If I don't about 9,10,1030

Fashionista#1 👗👠👢💅👛👙On weekends- 9:30 School days- 7:05.

Pretty pants much later I voted on

PLLfan#1Like ten during the summer but during the school year six

hiya^^school days 7:00 during the summer 9:00 to 10:00

HP lover7:00-8:00

Duchessjohanna During school I gotta wake up at 5:30

Pretty pants What grade are u in @duchessjohanna

Duchessjohanna @Funny lady😄going into 10th. U?

Fig_dat_chulo12:00 pm

a.v.oh I put 7 cause of school ._.

🌻🌼Beautina🌼🌻10 am usually. Because i usually spend the night fingering myself

jamy@🌸Beautina🌸 😐

Duchessjohanna @🌸Beautina🌸 what the actual fuck?

Pretty pants @Duchessjohanna I'm 14