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💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯Maybe true (not scientifically proven) but cats have a healing power that goes like this: purr. They actually bring cats to hospitals!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯cause the purring helps! And this is scientifically proven😉

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯feel free to feel smart af with this useless fact😉

eggs@🌺🗾Calypso🗾🌺FPS|SES it's because the frequency at which they purr (sometimes) at releases chemicals into the human brain which sends messages to nourish them

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@🍩CHOCOLATE🍪DEATH🍫 WOW! Now I feel even smarter😂