Would you want the I color cuz I do

4 votes

Yes!!! There beautiful
53 votes

Ew no
16 votes


TheNarwhalMasterI mean well at first they were creepy but like they are beautiful bro

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮@Rachel yah the way she took the picture is creepy but the eye color is so unique but she thinks it's ugly but I think their beautiful

Dat boi popplio*Eye, *eye, *because, *they're.

Dat boi popplioI only meant to say eye once.

Aleisha/(SES)(FSP)👮stupid auto correct

Aleisha/(SES)(fsp)@Here come Dat Boi I'm meant eye but I wanted cuz there

Dat boi popplio"There beautiful," is meant to be, "They're beautiful."