I hate life.

Me too
84 votes

109 votes



Baileewhy I will pray for you

IamnotonthisappanymoreWhat's wrong?

D_LannnOk lemme be honest. Nobody really hates life because if u did then u wouldn't be here. I say I hate life as well but it isn't honestly that u hate life but u hate what goes on in life.


Divaqueen@LiLD$ that's so true

SavonneAww I'm sorry. I hope you feel better, I'll pray for you.

Riana{FPS}👮{ACB}👊@LiLD$ Same

RitchieboyFeel better

AriaMe to.

Sophiafrom the looks of all your post it sounds like your very depressed😢. You may want to go to a therapist😥

Sophiabut I'm sorry feel better and I'll be praying for you!☺😥

Ugly_Afsame tho