Does your body type matter to you?

No (comment why)
36 votes

Comment (anything)
9 votes

Yes (comment why)
90 votes


MYsoul-isblack-without-uYes, I like looking fit and taking care of myself and not looking unhealthy.

MYsoul-isblack-without-uBut it shouldn't be a number one priority or else you might get to the point where you are Anorexic or Bulimic. Or it might be that you'll never be satisfied with the way you look.

Haileeyes bc I don't w want to be fat

Pheonix@Hailee What is your definition of fat? Im just wondering

JohnnyI wanna be forever young

🐷Gunnar🐺fuck the police coming straight from the underground

isabelto some people it does matter but I think as long as you are happy with how you look then other people should be fine with it