After removing a cataract in his right eye, Claude Monet....

Saw mostly yellow.
7 votes

Was able to see colors regularly again.
11 votes

Saw ultraviolet light.
12 votes

Was blind.
15 votes


SerpentineEr. . . You got me there.

AnonymousToAnExtentHe could actually see ultraviolet light. You can see this in his painting. He did an experiment painting two of the same picture, one using only his left eye, the other using his right. One is completely orange and yellow, the other is blue and violet.

AnonymousToAnExtentThe color differences are actually so severe. And he did another set of the same painting to show us what colors he saw throughout his life. He painted the same bridge I believe. It's amazing. The cataracts made him see more yellows and less blues and greens.

AnonymousToAnExtentBy the end of his life, Claude Monet saw the colors that a honeybee can see. And it is very rare, but not so rare as you think. It's actually happened to quite a few people.

Serpentine@Notorious Haha! So I guessed right!

CalvnKleinGot it right :) And that's pretty awesome, ti be able to see ultraviolet light 🙈