In January my shows coming back guess what my mom let me back on Abby wants me not PAGIE clo is coming back to Abby

Gianna and Jonna and Abby and the moms are teaching !!
8 votes

I love my show the showa name is now brilliance
12 votes

Thinks I am better because she was having a hard life not Gianna and another
18 votes


Dat boi popplioWhat?


Dat boi popplio@Gymnast4life What does all of that mean? Your bad spelling and lack of punctuation makes this really hard to understand.

SHANE-D.4LIFE😍😘😝😂😮@Yer a lizard Harry yea

Gymnast4lifethere is no bad grammar

Dat boi popplio@Gymnast4life There are no full stops, commas or any other punctuation. There's also missing apostrophes and some of it just doesn't make sense.