Do you support trump be usa 2016 president ?

Never 😡
16 votes

I don't care 🙄
6 votes

Yes ✌🏻️
12 votes

No 😕
13 votes


💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯he's SOO racist!!!! I saw a picture and he's exactly like hitler! Hitler hated Jews, trump hates Muslims

ohaiiiiTrump has the biggest ego of all time. He just needs to... He needs to not.

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES He doesn't hate Muslims. He just doesn't want terrorists in his country. The media has been twisting his words.

SerpentineHonestly, he may not be the best, but he seems like he might be the only decent option we'll have for 2016.


SHANE-D.4LIFE😍😘😝😂😮or maybe

PenPineappleApplePen@Where'd my taco go? Yes!! The media is run by Liberals!! He's gonna win because the majority has had enough of political shenanigans on both sides we need a serious change in DC.. You go girl!!👊🏼

Serpentine@Fucket-the-Farmer(SYF) He'd be 1,000,000,000,000x better than Mrs. Clinton.

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES Trump doesn't "hate" Muslims either. He doesn't plan to perform mass-murder on Muslims, so comparing him to Hitler is an overstatment.

ohaiiii@Where'd my taco go? 😑

Serpentine@👑PrincessPewdiepie👑 That perfectly explains how I feel when I say your and Demigod's comments.

Serpentine**felt, saw

EthanTrump becoming president would be the beginning of the apocalypse

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Where'd my taco go? Ummm... I've saw a video on the finish news😳 and Muslims aren't terrorist! There just normal people who are in NEED of help! Trump wants to 'make the US strong again' Hitler wanted to ' make Germany strong again'

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Where'd my taco go? What about Bernie sanders? He is thinking about the future, and the next generation, I think he should become president #feelthebern and i over use his slogan😂

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I also don't get how Donald trump says he's gonna make The United States 'great again' America has never been greater or better😁 take it from someone with an outside perspective😉

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES A video can't reveal if they're terrorists. Besides, there's been some suspicious evidence that many people that are already living here are terrorists. America is an awful place right now.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Where'd my taco go? That's a very small minded thing to presume😐 And I meant there's a video of Donald trump talking about Muslims

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES What's a small minded thing to presume? That America is awful right now? That's not my presuming. I live here. I researcha nd stay informed on what's REALLY going on.

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES You can find a video to prove anything. There were some Muslims found with videos of people from ISIS beheading people on their phones. 'Don't sound too innocent, does it?'

Serpentine**research and

SerpentineMuslim isn't even a race. You can't be racist against Muslims. Racism towards Muslims is the equivalent of racism towards Catholics or agnostics. The statement is illogical.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Where'd my taco go? Well, yeah that last thing is true😳 I'll give ya that😁 But it is a very small minded thing to presume, that Americas awful rn, think about the countries in Africa or Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Greece, Brazil and lost of other countries

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES America isn't visibly awful. If you look deep into the system, you'll see that another depression might be drawing near.

SerpentineIt makes sense why Trump—or anyone—would dislike or discriminate over religion. Race is something as simple as your bloodline, and the melanin released throughout yout body to give you color.

SerpentineReligion is your beliefs, and could even be your lifestyle. You choose your religion, you don't choose your race.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Schrödinger å va roligt! Du pratar svenska! Eller norska! Det här blir jätte bra för nu kan jag äntligen prata i mitt eget språk! Det är lite svårt ibland att prata på engelska speciellt när det gäller politik alltså!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Schrödinger oh sorry there😁 thought you talked Swedish! Anyways, idk if you have noticed but when anyone ask Trump about his economic plan he just says he'll make America great again! And I'm hoping that he actually has a completely other plan! I mean he did support the Clinton's a lot


💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯just watch the video on my most recent post


Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES Lol. I speak a little from a few languages, but not from Swedish.

Serpentine@🌙💭Demigod💭🌙FPS|SES My safety detect wouldn't let me on, it said that the site was untrusted.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Schrödinger oh...😁 strange. My brother showed me the video but idk the site😳😔 sorry about that