I get called tall a lot because I'm 11 and I'm 5'5

Not tall
25 votes

U are tall for your age
59 votes


CheyanneI'm 5'6" and I'm almost 18

MYsoul-isblack-without-uYou'll have to wait till at least 16.

MeghanI'm 10 and I'm 5'2

Cheyanne@Meghan wow that is the height of my brother but he is 15 and almost 16

katie5'2 and I'm 12

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔You're not that tall, but… idk?!?!?!?

Pheonix5'7ft and 1/2 in and I'm 12

Delta_Dragons5'8-5'10 and I am 14

ohaiiii@Meghan REALLY?!???

TheNarwhalMastermy friend is ten she's six feet